Divine Feminine Alchemy
Deep Online Immersion into Feminine Embodiment and Feminine Empowerment Wisdom

Self-paced journey with Feminine Leadership mentor and trainer Tosca Elisabeth Peric

How many times did we not speak up, fearing judgment or rejection
How many times did we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of overworking, constantly operating in a masculine mode of action and achievement? 
How many times did we not honor our cycles, our bleed, the most creative and self-nurturing time we have as a woman and we should celebrate it! How many times did we not understand ourselves, when it was simply, that we needed the right food for the cycle and our body? 
How many times could we not step up authentically, trying to hide something, that is actually so loveable about ourselves? 
How many times did we overstep our own inner wisdom and intuition because "this is the way it is been done" or "this is the way you SHOULD do it" How many times did we not act lovingly to ourselves? And or others? 

How many times did we neglect our inner feminine

How often did we suppress our emotions, thinking it was a sign of strength to hide our vulnerabilities? 

 This ends here! 

 We are finally able to break these cycles and learn to love ourselves, understand ourselves, our feminine body, cycles, and fully embrace our true feminine powers. Instead of working, living, loving, and striving like a man, we can tap into the unique strengths of our feminine energy and thrive there and I will show you how you do it sustainably, authentically, nurturing, and creatively feminine.

I wish, that every woman on this earth can walk, talk, and act freely, lovingly, liberated, and compassionately. 

This is my present to you, beautiful woman and the divine feminine.

Module 1: Feminine Cycle Wisdom

  • Enhance vitality, creativity, and emotional balance through cycle awareness
  • Understand and embrace the natural rhythms of your menstrual and hormonal cycles 
  • Practice to harmonize with your body's innate wisdom and energy fluctuations 

Module 2: Soulful Storytelling: Expressing Your True Self

  • Techniques for authentic self-expression through storytelling 
  • Heal through creative writing, journaling, and sharing personal narratives 
  • Empowerment through reclaiming and owning your unique life story
  • Show up authentically in your relationships, your work and social media

Module 3: Feminine Healing and Awaken Your Inner Goddess

  • Exploring ancient and modern practices to heal and empower the feminine spirit 
  • Letting go, forgiving and nurturing with new energies
  • Rituals, ceremonies, and practices to reconnect with divine feminine energies 
  • Cultivating self-love, confidence, and inner strength through goddess archetypes

Module 4: Womb Healing

  • Learn Techniques for healing and nurturing the womb space energetically and physically 
  • Practice to release trauma, emotions, and blockages stored in the womb 
  • Connect with the sacred power and wisdom of the womb for holistic well-being

Module 5: Feminine Shadow Work & Play

  • Explore and integrate the shadow aspects of the feminine psyche 
  • Techniques for shadow exploration, integration, and healing 
  • Embrace and embody the full spectrum of feminine energies with compassion, love, and understanding

Module 6: Emotional Alchemy: Transforming Pain into Power

  • Tools and practices for transmuting emotional pain and challenges into personal growth 
  • Learn Techniques for emotional resilience, empowerment, and inner alchemy 
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence and mastery through self-awareness and mindfulness

Module 7: How to Switch from Masculine to Feminine Energy

  • Understand the dynamics of masculine and feminine energies within yourself 
  • Practice and exercises for balancing and harmonizing masculine and feminine qualities 
  • Learn Techniques for embodying and expressing feminine energy authentically in daily life

Why it is so important to thrive and be in your feminine energy as a woman:

I could name endless benefits here, but the most important: Authenticity, Loving Yourself, Better Relationships, Not Taking Anything Personal Anymore, Thriving like a Goddess instead of Hustling, More Pleasure, Deeper Intimacy, Love & Sex, Being Happier, Feeling Unshakable at Your Feminine Core, Connection to Your Creativity and Vital Energy, Emotional Balance and Well-Being and the list goes on.

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Self-paced feminine wisdom course + 1:1 live deep dive Session on Zoom

Abundance of videos, exercises, workbooks and insights for you

  • Seven comprehensive modules with video lectures, guided meditations, audio material, workbooks, and practical exercises 
  • Interactive live recorded sessions and Q&A with experienced teachers and space holders
  • Access to a supportive community for sharing and learning 
  • Personalized feedback and guidance from an experienced teacher
  • One 1:1 deep dive session and activation a 2 hours held full space for you and your feminine to express herself and come truly alive held by
  • an experienced and fully committed spaceholder
  • Bonus resources, including e-books, worksheets, and audio recordings

In today's fast-paced, achievement-driven and masculine-energy-dominated world, losing touch with your feminine energy, self-love, and personal goals is easy. 

This self-paced feminine wisdom course is designed to help you rediscover your innate feminine power and wisdom, embrace your authentic self, and cultivate a life of abundance and joy.

Reconnect with Your Feminine Essence and Empower Your True Self. 

Dear Sister,  

You deserve to feel safe,  
You deserve to let go
and you deserve to be held, seen,  
and surrounded by love.

Let yourself be guided by an experienced mentor, who has walked this path over a decade ago already and has paved the way for many women to follow. With so much deep experience and countless success stories, I as your mentor am here to support you in your journey to reconnect with your feminine essence, so that you find back home in your body, and feel safe and loved no matter what!

Enrolling in this transformational immersion is probably what your feminine soul has been aching for a long time:

Heal deeply and understand your feminine body, cycle and understand your body´s wisdom

Explore and integrating the shadow aspects of the feminine psyche

Return home to your body and create a sanctuary for yourself, where external forces cannot disturb your peace.

Learn techniques for healing and nurturing the womb space energetically and physically, release trauma, emotions, and blockages stored in the womb

Embrace and embody the full spectrum of feminine energies with compassion, love and understanding

Transmute emotional pain into personal growth and power

Empower yourself through reclaiming and owning your unique life story and show up authentically in your relationships, life, work (and on social media.)

Cultivate self-love, confidence, and inner strength

Learn techniques for embodying and expressing feminine energy authentically in daily life

Learn how to switch from Masculine Striving to Feminine Thriving Mode

And much more

"Tosca creates the most welcoming non-judgmental environment. I walked away knowing that I am enough and that I will always have unconditional love within myself. We covered so many aspects including limiting beliefs, emotional alchemy, shadow work. This was truly eye-opening. I walked away knowing that I am enough and that I will always have unconditional love within myself. I don’t need to try and find it and approval in another person. I can be me and that is wonderful! I really enjoyed waking my inner goddess. I have stuffed my inner goddess down for years. I have not truly let her out. With Tosca’s help through meditation and exercises. I was able to see her for the first time in a long time. I need to remember she is always there and let her out! I recognize she is truly beautiful, fun and adventurous. I was carrying so much hurt and pain. This was causing my energy to be blocked. Tosca showed me through meditation and letting go exercises, I was able to release some of this hurt."


I can’t begin to describe what a transformative week I had with Tosca at the private retreats. I ended up receiving so much more than I ever expected. In Tosca’s capable hands, I was given a unique opportunity to challenge some of the long-held ideas and beliefs about myself that I didn’t even know I was carrying. I was provided a safe space to grieve and heal from wounds I thought were long buried. I was offered, patiently and consistently, an open and accepting heart as she gently guided me through a very difficult transition in my life. I am grateful for her willingness to listen and hold space for me with so much love and compassion. Tosca truly has an exquisite gift and I highly recommend one of her retreats. If it doesn’t transform the way you approach your spirituality entirely, it will, at the very least, shift your perceptions of your deepest self and the way you view the world. You will leave with the feeling that your very soul was both heard and loved.

  • Total payment
  • 1xDivine Feminine Alchemy: Journey into Feminine Embodiment and Empowerment Wisdom€1800

All prices in EUR
