Healing the Inner Child: A Journey of Self-Love and
the Treasures of Your Authentic Self
Through the power of your Feminine Energy
A Self-Paced Online Course for you to tune into your feminine essence with Embodiment and Self-discovery Mentor Tosca Elisabeth Peric

In this transformative, and empowering Inner Child Healing online course you will be effortlessly guided in 


  • Reconnecting with your inner child: rediscover your younger self, nurture them, and understand their needs and desires. 
  • Learn how to reparent yourself: fulfill the emotional needs you've always yearned for, but may not have received from your parents due to their emotional availability or other reasons. 
  • Unleash your inner child and see what comes out: You are sitting on the untapped potential of your Inner Child.
  • Heal Deep-Rooted Wounds: Unlock the potential to resolve childhood traumas holding you back. 
  • Let go and practice the emotional release of emotional pain by embracing forgiveness and allowing your inner child to heal and grow beyond past hurts. 
  •  Rediscover Your Authentic Self: Gain clarity on who you truly are and what you genuinely desire. 
  •  Enhance Relationships: Improve your connections with others (and yourself) by healing relational patterns. 
  • Learn lifelong tools such as self-soothing strategies and creating a loving inner family: These skills are essential for nurturing yourself and fostering inner peace and emotional well-being. 
  • Invite Playfulness and Joy: Reintroduce a sense of wonder and creativity into your daily life. 
  • Set Yourself Free from Past Traumas: By addressing and healing childhood wounds, you can release the emotional pain and trauma that has been carried into adulthood. 
  • Developing Compassion for Yourself and Others and Learn Positive Self-Talk 
  • Enhance Emotional Resilience: Develop the ability to handle life’s challenges with greater emotional strength and stability. 
  • Celebrate your inner child: embrace their innocence, creativity, and joy, and reconnect with the vibrant spirit within you. 

 Imagine a life where you feel emotionally whole, confident, and joyful. Envision breaking free from old patterns and stepping into a version of yourself that is truly aligned with your deepest desires and aspirations. This is exactly what the "Healing the Inner Child" course offers you. 

Say goodbye to: 

People pleasing and self-abandoning; 

self-sabotage or self-criticism

Feeling stuck in repetitive behavioral patterns or negative thought cycles

 Anxiety and Depression: Inner child work helps alleviate anxiety and depression by resolving underlying emotional issues.

Childhood Trauma interfering with your relationships: 

Insecurities and Triggers from Childhood Trauma: By addressing and healing childhood wounds, you can release the emotional pain and trauma that has been carried into adulthood.

Limiting beliefs:  identify and transform subconscious beliefs formed in childhood that hinder personal growth, relationships, and success


This is a safe and supportive environment for a profound journey of self-discovery and emotional healing.

What Is Your "Inner Child"?

Your inner Child represents the part of your psyche that retains the emotions, memories, and experiences from your early developmental years. This aspect of your personality holds the essence of your childhood innocence, wonder, and vulnerability. It also encompasses any unresolved traumas and unmet needs from that period. 


Engaging with and healing your Inner Child allows for the healing of past wounds and the integration of fragmented parts of yourself. By acknowledging and nurturing this part of you, you can foster emotional growth, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate a greater sense of playfulness and creativity in your adult life. This process is crucial for achieving a balanced and fulfilled sense of well-being.

Unleashing The Inner Child

As we journey through life, we accumulate wounds from experiences that were painful, confusing, or overwhelming. These wounds may stem from childhood traumas, neglect, or unresolved conflicts. The unhealed wounds of our inner child can manifest as self-sabotaging patterns, low self-esteem, relationship challenges, or even physical symptoms. 

Inner child healing is a profound process of acknowledging, validating, and healing these wounds. It involves creating a safe space to connect with our inner child’s emotions, allowing suppressed feelings to surface and be processed. 

Through techniques like journaling, meditation, creative expression, and therapy, we begin to understand our inner child’s needs and provide the love and support they may have missed during challenging times. 
Over the past few years, I have regularly hosted retreats, workshops, and women's circles where we lovingly explored the healing and empowerment of our inner child. Now I expand into the online realm, so more women can experience the healing power of unleashing their inner child and find a loving, compassionate and understanding way to integrate her into your life.

What You'll Gain:

Heal Deep-Rooted Wounds: Unlock the potential to resolve childhood traumas that have been holding you back. 
Rediscover Your Authentic Self: Gain clarity on who you truly are and what you genuinely desire in life. 
Cultivate Emotional Resilience: Develop the strength to navigate life's challenges with ease and grace 
Enhance Relationships: Improve your connections with others by healing relational patterns 
Invite Playfulness and Joy: Reintroduce a sense of wonder and creativity into your daily life. 
Set Yourself Free from Past Traumas: By addressing and healing childhood wounds, you can release the emotional pain and trauma that has been carried into adulthood. Reduce 

Anxiety and Depression: This Inner child work helps alleviate anxiety and depression by resolving underlying emotional issues.

On one of my retreats: participants celebrating their inner childs and their inner goddess!

Course Highlights:
Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced facilitators with a deep understanding of inner child healing. 

Flexible Learning: Access course materials at your own pace, from the comfort of your home. Dive into this transformative journey at your own pace, allowing for introspection and growth when it suits you best.
Comprehensive Videos & Resources: Receive a wealth of videos, and resources, including guided meditations, journaling prompts, and healing exercises.

Engaging Exercises: Interactive activities and shadow work practices that encourage self-discovery and personal empowerment. 
Guided Meditations: Deepen your connection with your Inner Child through meditation practices designed to unlock your inner potential. 

Practical Tools: Learn how to integrate your newfound strengths and talents into your daily life, relationships, and career.

One Year-Long Journal Prompts: Engage in a year-long journey of inner child healing through daily journaling and writing exercises.

Is this course for you?
If you're ready to:

Embrace your true self and all your unique gifts. 

  Discover untapped potential within. 

Unleash your inner strengths and talents. 

Nurture yourself, your inner child, and your joyful, childlike side 

Achieve personal growth and transformation. Then, this course is designed with you in mind. 

Explore and heal deep-seated emotional wounds from your past. Reconnect with your authentic self. 

Cultivate self-compassion and self-love. 

Enhance your emotional resilience and inner peace. 

Explore creative and therapeutic exercises for personal growth. 

Break free from limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns, 

Nurture a deeper sense of joy, creativity, and spontaneity in your life, 

Improve your relationships by understanding your emotional triggers and reactions, 

Integrate healing practices into your daily routine, 

Explore your inner world and uncover hidden strengths and potential 

 Then this course is perfect for you. Join us in exploring the transformative journey of connecting with your Inner Child and unlocking your true potential for healing and growth.

Reveal Your Hidden Gems: Imagine peeling back the layers to reveal the extraordinary qualities that have been lying dormant within you. This course is your key to unlocking the door to a more empowered and authentic version of yourself. 


Embrace Your Wholeness: Dive deep into your personality and uncover the positive traits you may have unintentionally overlooked. Embracing your golden shadow is a powerful step towards embracing your wholeness and embracing all aspects of who you are. 


Transformative Self-Exploration: This transformative course guides you through thought-provoking exercises and introspective activities that will lead you to a profound understanding of your hidden strengths and potential. 


Expertly Crafted: Created by experienced facilitators, this course is expertly crafted to guide you through a meaningful journey of self-discovery. Each section is designed to nudge you towards a deeper understanding of yourself gently. 

Empowerment and Growth: By uncovering your golden shadow, you'll embark on a path of personal growth, enhanced self-confidence, and a deeper connection with your true essence. Imagine the impact this could have on every area of your life. 


Interactive and Reflective: This workbook is not just pages to read – it's an interactive experience. Engage in thought-provoking journal prompts, self-reflection exercises, and transformative activities that will reveal the brilliance within you. 


Claim Your Workbook: Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery that will forever change the way you see yourself and the world around you. Download your workbook the "Inner Child Healing Journey" Workbook now and start your transformative journey.

Get Instant Access to:

  • Comprehensive Lessons: Dive into in-depth lessons designed to guide you through reconnecting with your Inner Child and healing past wounds. 
  • Engaging Exercises: Alongside the journal prompts, you'll find engaging exercises and activities designed to deepen your connection with your "Golden Shadow" and facilitate personal growth. 
  • Guided Meditations: Access a collection of guided meditations that will lead you through the process of unlocking your inner potential and embracing your unique gifts. 
  • One-year long Inner Child Healing Journal Prompts: These thoughtfully crafted prompts will guide you on a year-long journey of self-discovery, helping you uncover and embrace your Inner Child. Each module, you'll delve into a new aspect of your authentic self, revealing your hidden strengths, talents, and passions. 
  • Practical Tools: Learn how to integrate your newfound strengths and talents into your daily life, relationships, and career with useful, actionable tools and strategies.

Module 1: Introduction to Inner Child Healing

  • Embracing Your Inner Child: A Deep Dive into Healing and Understanding 
  • Identifying Childhood Wounds 
  •  The Importance of Inner Child Healing

Module 2: Reconnecting with Your Inner Child

  • Guided Meditations and Visualizations 
  • Illuminating Insights: Journaling Exercises for Profound Self-Reflection 
  • Techniques to Communicate with Your Inner Child

Module 3: Healing Childhood Wounds

  • Recognizing and Releasing Emotional Pain 
  • Forgiveness and Letting Go 
  •  Healing Practices and Rituals

Module 4: Cultivating Compassion and Acceptance

  • Developing Compassion for Yourself and Others 
  • Learn Positive Self-Talk
  • Building a Supportive Inner Dialogue

Module 5: Integrating Inner Child Healing into Daily Life

  • Practical Tools and Techniques
  • Creating a Safe and Nurturing Environment 
  • Maintaining Ongoing Healing and Growth

Module 6: Embracing Your Inner Parent

  • Reparenting Techniques 
  • Self-Soothing Strategies 
  • Creating a Loving Inner Family

Module 7: Celebrating Your Inner Child

  • Rituals and Ceremonies for Healing 
  • Creating Joyful Experiences 
  • Celebrating Milestones and Achievements

Exclusive Bonus:

Download an exclusive workbook packed with exercises, activities, and journal prompts designed to deepen your healing journey. 


This workbook offers easy access to your inner child, helping you to reconnect, heal, and nurture your true self. 


As you engage with these thoughtful exercises, you will uncover hidden aspects of your inner world, gain greater self-awareness, and feel an enhanced sense of peace and well-being. Embrace this opportunity to transform and uplift your life through the power of self-reflection and inner child healing.

Instant Course Access:

Enroll today and gain instant access to this life-altering journey. Our comprehensive course material is available online 24/7, giving you the freedom to explore your Inner Child Healing Journey whenever and wherever it suits you.

Why It Is So Important To Connect With Your Inner Child

Connecting with your Inner Child is crucial for emotional healing and personal growth. Your personal growth and empowerment are invaluable. 


Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and embark on a journey that will illuminate your path to self-discovery, personal growth, and embracing the radiant power of your "Inner Child." It allows you to confront and heal unresolved childhood traumas and emotional wounds that may still impact your adult life. By nurturing this inner aspect, you can rediscover your authentic self, free from societal conditioning and expectations. This process fosters emotional freedom by helping you release old patterns of behavior and emotional blockages that hinder personal development and relationships. Moreover, reconnecting with the Inner Child promotes creativity, spontaneity, and a sense of joy in daily life, enriching overall well-being. It encourages you to cultivate self-love, self-compassion, and acceptance of your vulnerabilities, leading to a deeper understanding and connection with yourself and others. Ultimately, integrating the Inner Child into one's adult life supports inner peace, resilience, and a more fulfilling journey toward personal and spiritual growth. 


Discover your Inner Child and shine as the authentic, empowered, and radiant individual you are meant to be. 


Are you ready to unveil the brilliance within? Enroll now and begin your transformational journey. 


Note: This online course is self-paced, allowing you to start whenever you're ready and progress at your own speed. Support and guidance are available through our community.

Meet your favorite Inner Child Guide:
I am your go-to girl for all things Inner Child Healing and Feminine Embodiment and Empowerment. 

I´ve been healing my own Inner Child since a decade ago and since then have established a beautiful, loving, and nurturing relationship with her. We regularly play, practice, and tune into each other. 

But it wasn’t always like that:

When I first started my self-love journey in 2012, there were many blockages, and childhood wounds, that I had to work on, many things to let go of, and came to a healthy relationship with my little Tosca. 

It was soul-crushing but once I learned how to heal, take care, and nurture my inner child, amazing things happened. I was able to resolve fears, and unhealthy relationship patterns, and let go of deeply ingrained emotional wounds and brought more play, joy and love into my life. My self-esteem began to flourish, and I discovered a newfound sense of inner peace and joy. My relationships transformed as I set healthier boundaries and communicated my needs with clarity. I found a deeper connection to my authentic self, embracing my creativity and inner wisdom. This journey not only healed my past but also empowered me to live a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

For many years, I have helped other women in my retreats and 1:1 coaching sessions find that same beautiful connection with their inner children. I was featured as an expert on Inner Child Healing and Feminine Embodiment in various publications.

Now, I can’t wait to share my methods with you through this transformative course. By embarking on this journey, you too can experience profound healing, self-love, and the joy of reconnecting with your inner child. Let's unlock your true potential together.

Tosca is a feminine embodiment and leadership mentor, an experienced yoga teacher, and a dedicated guide on the journey of self-love and personal development. Starting her yoga practice at the tender age of 13, Tosca has spent decades healing her inner child and helping countless others do the same. 
Tosca's unique approach is enriched by her extensive travels around the world, where she gathered ancient wisdom from wise women and men. She combines these teachings into her work, creating a holistic and transformative experience for her students. She is renowned for holding women’s retreats, and online workshops, and offering personalized guidance to help people step into and deepen their self-love journey. Tosca's compassionate and nurturing approach ensures that every participant feels seen, heard, and supported. 
When you choose Tosca's Inner Child Healing Course, you are choosing to work with someone who has walked the path herself and is deeply committed to guiding you on your journey toward healing and self-love. Join this course to experience profound transformation and reconnect with the vibrant, joyful, and authentic essence of your inner child.

What sets this course apart from others?

I haven't seen any course that dives as deeply into this topic as this does. When you choose Tosca's Inner Child Healing Course, you are choosing to work with someone who has walked this path herself and is deeply committed to guiding you on your journey toward healing and self-love. Join this course to experience profound transformation and reconnect with the vibrant, joyful, and authentic essence of your inner child. 


This course is meticulously crafted to provide a profound and thorough exploration of healing your inner child. Through detailed lessons and transformative exercises, you will gain invaluable insights and tools to nurture and heal your inner child. By developing a deeper understanding and compassion for your inner child, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional healing that can profoundly impact your overall well-being. This course aims to empower you to embrace your authentic self, cultivate self-love, and build a foundation for lasting personal transformation.

Why do I need this?

You are sitting on the untapped potential of your Inner Child. Imagine the extraordinary power that lies dormant within you, concealed in your Inner Child, and by setting your authentic self FREE. It's time to unleash it, to let your brilliance shine like never before. Your unexplored potential is the gateway to unlocking your true greatness. Get ready to rise, thrive, and transform your life!

Imagine, if you...

Know exactly who you are, understand your triggers and childhood wounds, and communicate them and your needs to those around you.

Improve your confidence and live with more pleasure, joy, and playfulness.

Finally let go of old stories, beliefs, and burdens that weigh you down, stepping into your authentic self, unafraid of who you are or what others might think.

All this is possible, and more
  • Will Inner Child Healing Jorney Work for me?
    Inner Child Healing is designed for individuals seeking to heal deep-seated emotional wounds, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate self-love. Whether you're grappling with anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, or low self-esteem, this course offers substantial benefits. Committing time and energy to engage with the course content and exercises is key to deriving meaningful results from this transformative journey.
  • Do I need any knowledge or prerequisites to do this course?
    No, you don't need any prior knowledge or prerequisites to do this course. Everything is easy to follow, intuitive to comprehend, and designed to guide you step-by-step. Whether you're a complete newbie or just need a refresher, I've got you covered. The material is accessible and engaging, with clear instructions and supportive resources to help you on your journey. Think of it as a fun adventure where you can learn, grow, and maybe even laugh a little along the way.
  • What kind of results can I expect?
    Participants often report increased self-awareness, improved emotional resilience, and a deeper connection with their authentic self. You'll learn to reparent yourself, let go of emotional pain, and embrace joy and playfulness in your life. The results you achieve depend on how deeply you engage with the material and the effort you put into self-reflection and practice. Remember, true transformation comes from the work you invest in your healing journey.
  • How long will it take to see results?
    The journey is unique for everyone, but many participants start noticing positive changes within the first and a few weeks. Consistent practice and engagement with the course materials will maximize your benefits.
  • What happens once I purchase?
    You’ll be emailed access to my course dashboard and all of the lessons, videos, meditations, resources, goodies, and bonuses will immediately become available.
  • What is your refund policy?
    You get immediate access to all my videos, workshops, meditations, and workbooks to download and keep. That is why we do not offer any refunds for ICHJ.
  • What date does this course start?
    Inner Child Healing Journey is a self-paced course and you can start immediately! Join now and you could have clarity about your Inner Child within this week already.

Contact information

Billing address

1. Introduction
Welcome to the Inner Child Healing Online Course ("Course") provided by Tosca Peric ("Course Provider"). By enrolling in and accessing the Course, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions ("Terms"). Please read them carefully before you start.

2. Eligibility
This Course is available to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. By enrolling in the Course, you confirm that you meet this eligibility requirement.

3. Enrollment and Payment
a. Enrollment: To access the Course, you must complete the enrollment process and pay the applicable course fee.
b. Payment: Payment must be made in full at the time of enrollment. We accept various payment methods as indicated on our website.

4. Access to Course Materials
a. Access: Upon successful enrollment and payment, you will receive access to the Course materials. Access is granted for the duration of the Course as specified at the time of enrollment.
b. Personal Use: Course materials are for your personal use only. You agree not to share, distribute, reproduce, or teach any part of the Course content without our prior written consent.

5. No Refund Policy
a. No Refunds: All sales are final. Once enrolled, there are no refunds or exchanges. Please consider your purchase carefully.
b. Non-Transferable: Course enrollment is non-transferable.

6. Intellectual Property
a. Ownership: All Course materials, including but not limited to videos, texts, graphics, and exercises, are the intellectual property of Tosca Peric.
b. Restrictions: You agree not to reproduce, distribute, create derivative works from, or teach any Course materials without explicit written permission. Any unauthorized use will be subject to legal action and karmic consequences.

7. Code of Conduct
a. Respectful Behavior: You agree to participate in the Course in a respectful and constructive manner. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
b. Community Interaction: If the Course includes access to community forums or group activities, you agree to engage respectfully and adhere to any community guidelines provided.

8. Limitation of Liability
a. No Guarantee: While the Course aims to provide valuable insights and tools for personal growth, we do not guarantee specific results or outcomes.
b. Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from your participation in the Course.

9. Privacy Policy
Your personal information will be collected, used, and protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By enrolling in the Course, you consent to our use of your information as described in the Privacy Policy.

10. Changes to Terms
We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email or through the Course platform. Continued participation in the Course after changes are made constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms.

11. By enrolling in the Inner Child Healing Online Course, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and Conditions.

12. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact our support team at Hi@toscaperic.com
I agree

Inner Child Healing Journey -€270

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xInner Child Healing Journey -€270

All prices in EUR